Mark LePera

At my age, I finally have managed to meld fun and adventure into everything I do. For my entire life, people have asked me what I did for a living, and most of the time I can't even give them a straight answer without a smile. On here is "some" of what I do.

Welcome to my website

     This Catholic boy from Philly, born and bred, will share a few things about me, my kids, and my crazy Italian/Polish family. I'll also talk some about my passions, both fun and business, including my tips on getting the best for your buck at Disney.
     Also, check out my other pages where I talk real estate investing in South Florida and the Caribbean, ICF Construction, and an upcoming  business marketing platform that we have been building for three years now, which is a virtual business networking medium called 

Business Gallery

I have met with some of the biggest stars in business and Hollywood to discuss marketing and investment strategies. Some of my latest and best photos are of some of the biggest celebs, but also business giants. My years teaching and speaking at real estate events have given me great insights into upcoming trends both up and down. Always feel free to contact me.

Left to right:: Irina and I with my mentor and coach, JT Foxx; the famous Mel Gibson; the very funny and the nicest guy, Charlie Sheen; Me with friend Hugh Hilton, Kiss star, Gene Simmons; the talented Brooke Shields; Covergirl and business women Christy Brinkley; Mega adventurist and public speaker, also a quadriplegic The Amazing Tracy; and just a fun pic of the interview.

Network with experience

   "I've been buying, selling, and building homes for over 40 years. There are not too many people who have bought and sold more personally owned homes and lots as I did in my hey day."

Family  Gallery

Summer of 2022 in Italy

I love to take pictures and show them to the world.

Summer of 2023 in Italy

Follow me through fabulous Italy and Greece

Podcasting and Blogging

It's time for me to resume my posts, blogs, and podcasts. I've been asked to market and sell many new and helpful next generation products in construction and business branding. Some of these you will see on the pages of this site. Please read through the next few pages to see if you are interested in knowing more about how you can get involved. 

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